Call Application #4: Financials, Growth

Describe your financials and growth strategy

IZMIR NIC Technical Assistance

Last Update 2 years ago

Investment & Finance

  • Investment: Do you need investment? Who do you think you should raise money from? What kind of help you need from investors? If you have raised investment, please provide details without answering the previous questions. If so, please provide details like when, for how much, was it in the form of equity or convertible loan etc.?
  • Revenue: Please provide the details of your revenue and profit margin for the last three years (Optional). How much do you earn from sales revenue for your key product or service – you may or may not exclude revenue from consultancy, investment etc. Please also let us know your Gross Profit Margin if you may wish. This question is optional as we appreciate privacy.
  • Pricing: What is your pricing strategy? For example: we charge based on per user, per month and for 9,99 USD OR we charge for 59 USD, 79 USD and 99 USD depending on he modules and per year.

Growth Strategy

  • Customers: Do you have any existing or potential customers outside of Turkey? If you have any existing relationships with partners / customers / solution providers etc outside Turkey, please provide details of them. How long you have been working with them, in which capacity etc.?
  • Markets: Which markets / countries you are targeting, and why? For example: we are targeting the UAE market as the government recently passed a regulation for Generating Energy from Waste which is quite applicable to us and we aim to benefit from it.
  • Strategy: What is your go-to-market strategy for these markets? For example: through partnerships, dealers, direct sales, joint venture etc.

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