Registering an Organisation

Link your company or team to your profile

IZMIR NIC Technical Assistance

Last Update il y a 2 ans

Once you have created your user profile you can register your organisation, your company or team.

You don't need to have a "registered" or "incorporated" company to submit a proposal but you do need to have a team and complete the Organisation profile in our system.

Under My Organisations click Add New (at the right) and a new popup window will open.

The organisation has 4 tabs: Administrative, Team, Sector and Legal.


The Administrative tab contains all the necessary information of your company.

  • Company Name: If your company is incorporated you need to right its registered name. If it is not yet incorporated you can just right your team name, your project name or your own name or even the future company name that you have in mind.
  • Authorised Person: is a person authorised by the management or owners of the company to deal with our Acceleration programme. It can be the CEO or one of the cofounders. It may also be someone who deals with programme applications or is responsible for business development or in general sales and marketing activities in the company. This contact will be our key communication partner throughout the entire commercialisation and internationalisation process. He/she will be the person receiving official emails, newsletters, announcements or phone calls. Please have someone who is quick to respond and is available.
  • E-mail: Email address of the main contact. Preferably the one having company extension to make it more formal. However, you may provide Gmail or outlook as we will use common folders on Microsoft Teams or Google Drive for doc sharing, homework etc.
  • Phone: We prefer to have the mobile number of the contact person which you may also use for WhatsApp or other communication apps, as we will form groups there and many interactions will be going thru these platforms.
  • Logo: You can upload the logo of your company or any temporary logo of your team.
  • City: City from where you operate. A Coded list of all Turkish cities is provided.
  • Address: If your company does not have a permanent address don't worry, you can leave this empty.
  • Website: Please let us know in short URL format like


Under the team section you can invite the members of your team that you would like to help you with your application and will have access to this system. This team is not necessarily your project team. You will have the chance to present your team when you apply for a call.

You only need to provide a the Name Surname of your colleagues and their email. All members will receive an email to inform them and they will have access to the same organisation profile.


Under Sector you can choose up to 3 tags-keywords that describe best what you are doing. Where you operate, what services you provide or what products you develop.

Throughout our programme we are using the European Innovation Council Taxonomy. (See the pdf of the taxonomy here).


You have to provide information here ONLY if your company is incorporated. If you do not have yet a registered company just leave this box unchecked.

If your company is registered with the national authorities and has a registration number then you need to provide the following:

  • Tax Registration Number
  • Date of Incorporation: when was the company registered.
  • Document: the statute of the company or an official document where the tax registration number and the official name of the company can be seen.

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